Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday Baby #2

Here are the most recent pictures of him from my ultrasound yesterday, ya know, the one that made me fear I would be birthing a 10lb baby. He sure is cute. He has a sweet full lower lip. I can't wait to kiss his little face. And in person he will be much cuter because he will actually have eyes. Ultrasound pictures are always a little creepy when they don't have eyes. He continues to grow and be healthy. His heart looks great and everything suggests that he will be a healthy baby. Now we just have to get through the many long weeks left until we get to meet him in person.

29 weeks

I think this will be my last post with a belly picture. I am getting ridiculously big and no one really needs to see that. Normally I am this big at the end when I am ready to deliver. I am 11 weeks prematurely big this time around. I am super worried this baby is going to be giant. I have never had a baby bigger than 6lbs, so I am very concerned. From the ultrasound I had yesterday they are guessing he is already 4lbs, 15 inches, and in the 87th percentile. I am starting to think I don't like being monitored so closely and could really do without this information. If I deliver 3 weeks early like I did last time, he should still be on the small side. But if I am unlucky enough to go full term, he could be enormous. I will just have to wait and see. I hate this waiting. I am an awful pregnant person!

Friday, February 5, 2010

27 weeks

I hate these pictures of myself. Now I know why I have no pregnancy pictures from my previous pregnancies. I am not sure why am I am torturing myself. But I am. So here it is. This is 27 weeks. I am starting the third trimester. I am only gonna get bigger from here. Wish me luck! I feel like this belly couldn't possibly keep stretching any bigger.

Friday Baby

This still isn't a very good picture, but what can I say. He is very shy when they start doing an ultrasound. He just refuses to cooperate. If you can decipher this picture, it's a sort of side profile shot with his face between his two arms. It's really tough to see. But even if the picture is bad, he sure is a cutie to me. Everything is still going well. I am getting really tired of Dr. appointments. Both the midwife and the specialist want to see me every two weeks. Without children. It's a pain. Hopefully this last trimester will go by quickly and smoothly. Not too quick though, I still don't have a name.

Monday, February 1, 2010


I am really craving carbs right now. Cold cereal, toast, muffins, fruit. I don't want any meat. I am worried about my weight, so I am at least trying to make them healthy carbs. I made some great whole wheat banana blueberry muffins this morning. The only problem is, I ate 4 of them. Aaaah! It's a lost cause.