Friday, January 22, 2010

25 weeks

Like I said, I am getting huge. This is not a super great or flattering picture, but it definitely captures the growth from the last month. He is growing, and my belly is getting big and more uncomfortable. It seems too early to already be having so much difficulty getting my own shoes on, sleeping at night, and doing housework, but I am already there. Mostly there is just a lot of sitting around, and the numbers on the scale are really starting to reflect the inactivity. Oh well. It's only going to get worse. Maybe I won't eat as many chocolate muffins from costco.......Nah! Just embrace the fatness and face it in postpartum.


  1. you look adorable pregnant, I'm so excited for you!!!

  2. You have the most stinkin cute prego belly, I hate you! :) Seriously, why isn't your backside any bigger by now??! Lots of love to the G-Crew!
