Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pregnant Picture

Camila has been demanding a picture so she can see how big I am. I have gotten so huge in the last week. I went from being able to completely button my pants one day, to needing maternity pants the next. It's totally crazy. I am 17 weeks 4 days based on the calender and 18 weeks 4 days based on ultrasound measurements. Either way I am nearing the half way mark. Normally this would be really exciting. Except that because I am still sick, instead of being amazed that I am half way done, I am fearing that I have potentially 20+ more weeks of nausea. I will try to be more positive, but I am not making any promises. Although, I do still continue to have some hope that it will disappear any day now. Everything else is going really well. I am feeling lots of movement, and my belly is growing every day.


  1. Yipee!!!! A boy!!! I miss you terribly already, but thanks for coming over last week!

  2. You look great! I love having a bump as soon as possible... it lets me know everything is ok. The same with being sick. Unfortunately like you I get too sick and my bumps always get too big!!!! Glad things are going well and here's to the sickness going away!
